AIVR Thermal detects electrical faults from the lineside environment, and alerts users to locations exceeding a safe temperature, so that they can be safely attended to and repaired before failure.

Utilising AI and machine learning capabilities, AIVR Thermal is able to automatically detect high-temperature sections of track – or thermal ‘hotspots’ – where any potential issues are categorised by the level risk, alerting AIVR users to the exact location of a hotspot.

Hotspots are automatically available to review on AIVR, along with the historic video data at a hotspot’s particular location.
Users can review and compare the FFV and thermal video on the AIVR Platform; decisions can then be made remotely regarding maintenance requirements.
AIVR Thermal has been hugely beneficial to the rail industry in a short period of time, winning the 2022 ‘Safety Achievement of the Year’ National Rail award in collaboration with Network Rail. Enabling large cost and time savings, there are multiple devices already deployed on a range of in-service trains, collecting and uploading video footage to the cloud in rapid time.