The multi-award-winning system that provides digital inspection capability and more, enabling experts from any rail discipline to monitor the lineside environment remotely and safely.

Through an AIVR license, individuals can access over 500,000 miles of data of the critical line side environment.
You can easily access and navigate the platform using only your web browser and secure credentials.
Access digital tools which allow you to locate, measure, annotate and analyse images whilst also carrying out planning, sighting, and reporting activities – sharing within and across teams and groups.
Book a DemonstrationFor each hour that an AIVR user spends on the platform, it’s estimated they save an eight-hour site visit or cab-ride, including travel and planning, reducing carbon and incidences of fatigue.
An AIVR license gives access to a suite of digital tools such as:

Measurement tools can assist signal, structure, railway design and planning activities.
Review Safe Cess

Safe Cess digital overlay can be applied to support planning and identification of trackside positions of safety.

Annotation tools allow points of interest to be clearly highlighted.
Route History

Historical rail route data enables you to revisit previous imagery of a project site, facilitating remote comparative review.
Advanced Sighting Reports

Advanced Sighting Reports provide a convenient visual export of site to aid signal sighting and planning activities.