Story Plant
How Story Plant use AIVR in their day-to-day planning to increase efficiency, safety, and to reduce costs

Story Plant hire out industry-leading fleet of plant machinery. Their plant is used for maintenance, renewals and installation, from replacing a rail to adding in a new bridge.
The Challenge
Prior to using AIVR, Story Plant faced several challenges regarding Track Access for On Track Plant (OTP) Planning. In order to complete OTP plans for risk management, Story Plant physically attend the planned site of work prior to the job to check for hazards such as gauge clearances, height restrictions, points, and services etc.
Often it was not possible to survey the full length of the planned worksite due to challenges in obtaining suitable line blockages. This meant that on occasion there was an inability to view the full site from point A to Point B.
The Solution: AIVR
AIVR is now an essential tool for OTP Planning and Controller of Site Safety (COSS’s) training at Story Plant.
Using AIVR, Story Plant can now remotely and safely monitor and analyse the entire extent of the worksite prior to the job, reducing boots on ballast and resulting in time saved travelling to and on track. AIVR’s annotation and measurement tools allow Story Plant to highlight any potential hazards, such as gauge clearances, and feed this back to the team in order to increase safety.
With AIVR’s ability to export video and image data, the Story Plant team are able to integrate crucial visual information into their OTP plans to improve ease of use, whilst making the planning work safer and more efficient so all POS reps are prepared before attending track.
Story Plant have also used AIVR videos to provide visual aid for their COSS’s training, whereby AIVR allows the COSS to see the work environment virtually, helping them to gain a better understanding of the site hazards.
AIVR has also helped to prepare OTP Operators by showcasing a clear view of site prior to arriving on shift.
Cost Saving
Increases Safety
Assists Training
Virtual Track Access
Time Saving
Carbon Saving
Visual & clear OTP plans